
1. Churches becoming a Partner
2. Christian Organisations becoming an affiliate
3. Individuals becoming a supporter

1. Churches Becoming Partners
We are very pleased to receive into partnership all Bible-centred churches. Please read carefully our Statement of Faith and Covenant, and if you are happy that this reflects your church’s doctrinal position, we would welcome an application for partnership from your church.

Partner churches are asked to contribute to the costs of running Aontas annually:

  • Smaller churches and church plants, where finances are limited, are asked to contribute €85
  • Churches in a more established position are asked to contribute €150

Where a church wants to join but is not in a position to contribute, we will welcome them into full partnership, because our ultimate desire is fellowship in the gospel and financial considerations are secondary.

As an Aontas Partner, you will have a direct say in the governance of Aontas. Because we acknowledge the primacy of the local church, the governance of Aontas lies solely within the hands of its partner churches.

Please email us at


2. Christian Organisations Becoming Affiliates
We are delighted to receive into affiliation all Bible-centred organisations. Please read carefully our Statement of Faith and Covenant (please put a link here to the Statement of Faith and Covenant) and if you are happy that this reflects your organisation’s doctrinal position we would welcome an application for affiliation from your organisation

Christian Organisations are asked to contribute €50 to the costs of running Aontas annually.

While the governance of Aontas lies with the churches, we will value any input or suggestions that our affiliate Organisations may give us and will bring these to the attention of the Executive Council.

Please email us at 


3. Christian Individuals Becoming Supporters
We welcome support from Christian Individuals who have Bible-centred convictions. Please read carefully our Statement of Faith and Covenant and if you are happy that this reflects your doctrinal position, we would welcome your support.

Christian individuals are asked to contribute €30 to the costs of running Aontas annually. If you are in a position to contribute more this, it would be gratefully received.

While the governance of Aontas lies with the churches we will value any input or suggestions that a Supporter may give us and bring these to the attention of the Executive Council.

Please email us at

Partner Churches, Associates and Supporters’ Covenant

As a local Church, Christian Organization, or Christian Individual it is our sincere desire to express our unity in Christ by joining with others in Aontas.

Recognizing that it is the desire of our Lord Jesus Christ that His people maintain the unity of the Spirit and strive together to attain the unity of the Faith, we are committed to the aims of Aontas. True unity can only be possible on the basis of the truth as it is declared in the Scriptures and we hold that the central doctrines of the faith are accurately laid out in the Statement of Faith.

In our dealings with other Christians, whether as individuals or as churches, we resolve to be careful not to misrepresent each other. In our relations, we desire to be led by the Lord in obedience to His Word and to do all that is in our power to prevent sinful divisions.

It is our intention to consider the needs and aspirations of all Bible-centred churches and missions in conducting our affairs. This means that where possible, we will seek to co-operate rather than compete and, in the matter of members of other churches joining our church, we will show respect to the other church by consulting with them.

In all, we commit ourselves to pray for the Bible-centred churches and Christian Organizations in Ireland, especially those in our area.